Legal notes

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The Scouting Capital & Family Advisors Group consists of the parent company 5I&Partners SpA, Scouting SpA and Scouting SIM SpA. 5I&Partners SpA exercises management and coordination activities over Scouting SpA and Tra Partners Scouting SIM SpA.


The contents of this website are published exclusively to provide on products and services offered by Scouting Capital & Family Advisors and they do not qualify as an offer to the public of financial instruments or products or as an advertisement of services and investment activities.


The contents of the website shall not be considered advice or a recommendation with the purpose of subscribing financial products or services or investment activities.

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While Scouting Capital & Family Advisors takes the maximum care to maintain the website and its considers its contents to be reliable, it does not accept any liability with regard to the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the data and information present on the website or on websites linked to it. Consequently, Scouting Capital & Family Advisors disclaims any liability for errors or omissions outside its control.


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