Scouting Spa, in collaboration with Bologna Business School, organised an important workshop on risk management planning in banks. The purpose of the meeting, held on 25 November 2016 at Villa Guastavillani in Bologna, was to study in greater depth the dynamics of the Italian banking sector, policies for managing the investment risks associated with propriety portfolios and the regulatory changes affecting asset management services introduced by MiFID 2. The meeting on “˜OPTIMISING THE TRADE-OFF BETWEEN RISK, RETURN AND CAPITAL ADEQUACY’ was addressed by Rinaldo Sassi, CEO of Scouting Spa, who analysed the financial statements of the cooperative banking system in comparison with overall data for the national banking system obtained from the Scouting Observatory on banking financial statements, by Flavio Bongiovanni from the CONSOB Supervisory Office responsible for Network Intermediaries and Financial Advisors, who covered matters related to MiFID II/MiFIR and their impact on the strategic decisions of banks, by Nicoletta Zangrandi – Head of the Bank Coverage Function within the Finance Department at Banco Popolare, who discussed bank treasury and liquidity management in terms of the risk-profitability trade-off, by Matteo Conte – Fund Manager at Quaestio Capital Management SGR S.p.A., who talked about the Atlante example of managing NPLs to create value for banks, and by Luca Riboldi – Investment Director at Banor SIM, who reviewed the market outlook for 2017.